Our Fair Trade Practices
Indian Furniture
All of our Indian furniture is sourced directly from the manufacturers in Jodhpur, India, giving us strong connections with the factories and the workers where it is produced. We visit regularly to ensure good working conditions for all.
We deal with various manufactures and each have slightly different policies but overall, the following seems fairly standard:
- Healthcare is provided to all staff and their families
- No children are employed within the factories
- We pay an agreed fair price for each item to our suppliers
- We often pay in advance to ensure no debts are taken on by our suppliers when completing our order
- One supplier has even taken things a step further. They are very socially conscious and his family have established a school in Jodhpur that provides education for 4 – 16 year olds, with profits from their furniture making business.
Kenyan Accessories
We deal mainly with just one Kenyan supplier. Their aim is to buy high quality, ethically sourced and environmentally friendly products from disadvantaged producers from across the developing world in order to help people trade out of poverty.
They are a relatively small family run business that looks to work with individual artisans, co-operatives and small businesses across the developing world. They are recognised by BAFTS, the British Association for Fair Trade Shops, as a fair trade importer.
Indonesian Products
We have many Indonesian suppliers, mainly BAFTS recognised. They are all small businesses who whenever possible deal directly with the workers across Indonesia.
The craftspeople they deal with are masters in their respective arts and they ensure that all monies go direct to them, their families and their employees and not to any middle man! In some cases profits go towards improving the environment of these people, such as schooling for their children.